Saturday, July 31, 2010


We took the kids to the annual hot air balloon launch last night. Oh my gosh! Julianna loved it! I was so surprised by how excited she got. I really thought it would hold her attention for 30 seconds, but she clapped for every balloon that went up & waved to the people in the baskets. She was so cute!

Will...not so enthralled.
She needed a higher view.

There were more than 40 different balloons.

Julianna loved the ladybug balloon.
She just couldn't stop watching them all take off.

This has to be the creepiest hot air balloon I've ever seen!

Will just loves anytime he gets to go away...which isn't very often.

Julianna was not happy daddy made her stop watching the balloons to take a picture with mommy.

We had so much fun and Julianna has not stopped talking about the balloons. I can't wait for this evening and hopefully we'll be able to go outside & see them from the house.


  1. AJ and Lauryn LOVED them too!! Lauryn blew all of the balloons kisses as they lifted off :o)

    Im taking the kids outside to see them today when they go off since they go right over the house :o)

    Glad she had so much fun!!

  2. Looks like you guys had a great time and got some great pictures!


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