I wish when I was little my birthday celebrations lasted almost a whole week! Julianna's did this year. It all started on her birthday, last Tuesday, when she got her birthday present from us, her kitchen made by daddy and Grandpa K & her apron and chef's hat made by me.
Little Miss Susie Homemaker in action

So stinkin' cute!
Then on Wednesday, Erin brought Ian & Ellie over to give Julianna her gift. They also brought yummy birthday cupcakes.
Ellie thoroughly enjoyed her cupcake.
Ian like the rings from on top of the cupcakes the best.
Then yesterday, we had Julianna's birthday dinner with her grandparents. This is when she got her birthday cake. Please excuse the slightly crooked cake...I can never seem to get cakes level! She also got the rest of her birthday presents from family.
I think she may be drooling
She stayed miraculously clean while eating her cake!

Even though we didn't have an actual birthday party for her, I think Julianna loved her week of celebrating just as much!
Too cute! Glad she enjoyed her birthday!