Monday, February 8, 2010

An Unusual Line-Up

Saturday night I went to an unusual baby shower. It was special for many reasons. First, it was for moms who are on their 2nd, 3rd & 4th babies. Second, it was thrown by the pregnant moms. And third it was for 7 of us! I have written about all the pregnancies I know of right now, (I think I am up to 10 with a total of 11 babies!) and those of us that are pregnant from mommy group decided to throw ourselves a baby shower.

There are 7 of us due from the end of March to the beginning of July. Here's what 7 pregnant mamas look like all lined up.

I know it's tiny, but our due dates are all labeled.

We exchanged names and brought lots of yummy food (thanks to everyone who thought of me and my GD when bringing food! I really appreciated it!). Erin and I also took several tubs of baby clothes and let the moms go through them and take whatever they wanted. It was a really fun night of no kiddos and fun conversation. We're hoping to get all the babies together once their born and take another picture.

1 comment:

  1. I looooooove all my stuff! Thank you!



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