Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sunshine and Warm Weather

I cannot believe the weather today! I just walked out to get the mail without a coat on! It's wonderful! The fabulous weather the last 2 days has definitely made me antsy. I'm antsy to get outside in nice weather. I'm antsy to start camping again. I am super duper antsy to have this baby and be done with this pregnancy! It's suppose to rain for the next few days...boo...but the temperature is supposed to stay in the high 50's...yay!! I can't wait for the rest of this snow to melt and for spring to officially be here! It took me a little longer than everyone else, but I am now officially over winter. Bring on the sun and warm weather!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya!!!I so can not wait for the snow to melt. I am looking forward to walking and just being outside. :D


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