Last summer, I was lucky enough to stop at a garage sale and found 10 pairs of fuzzy pj's (all from Children's Place!) for only 50 cents a pair!! What a steal! So Julianna had adorable warm jammies all last winter. Boy were they cute! All girly and pink and purple and flowery and stuff.
This year, no such luck on the garage sale finds. So, this year what has Julianna been wearing now that nights are colder? Check out these fuzzy pj's.
18 mos pj's are almost too small, but look how big these 24 mos ones are!!

These wonderful jammies are hand-me-downs from her cousin Ian. She no longer wears cute girly and pink and purple and flowery jammies, but wears ones with cars, dinosaurs, firetrucks (which daddy loves!), and other boy themes. Not only that, but many of the jammies are 24 mos and still a leeetle bit too big for her.
This pair has a green and blue car on the front.

I went to walmart and got alleigh some really cute fuzzy jammies...... the carters one's were $7 a piece and the gerber one's were 2 for $9 i think. I ended up getting her 5 really cute girly ones. :)