Friday, October 7, 2011

The "Eyes" Have It!

Although we're still waiting on the results of my spinal tap from last week, yesterday at my appointment with Dr S I found out my eyes are stable.  That means my vision is not getting worse right now and there's no rush to start a treatment.  YAY!!!  Some excellent news!  Also the treatment Dr S was going to suggest for me right now was a once a week IV steroid and it just so happens that I get an IV steroid once a week before my chemo...perfect!  She said that works out great.

It still looks like I do have CAR (carcinoma associated retinopathy), but they haven't been able to identify what antibody I have (my body produces antibodies to fight my tumors and they just happen to also fight my retinas).  She actually thinks I may have a so far unidentified antibody.  Some how it wouldn't surprise me if I have something no one else has ever had!  I could be ground breaking...haha!

Thanks again for all the prayers and good thoughts! Love you all!

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